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April 23, 2024

Empower Your Supporters to Be Advocates

Jane Pfeiffer

Hello and welcome to Mission Multiplier. This is a weekly video segment designed to help you, the nonprofit leader, do your mission with a little less friction. We work to eliminate the cost of “IDKs.” “IDKs” are the “I don’t knows.” The I don’t know you. I don’t believe in you. And I don’t know that I’m part of this solution.

For the past couple of weeks, we’ve been talking about the three pillars in which Fieldtrip often has prospective clients and new clients self-assess in terms of those friction points and those costly IDKs. The first week was awareness so on a scale of zero to ten, zero is “I don’t know. You don’t know who you are. Why I should care?” Ten is “I do know you. I know what you do. I can put you in the right sector and pretty accurately describe what you do.” Last time it was alignment. This is when you’re feeling overwhelmed with all the things you need to do and all the people you need to talk to. It’s because there is low alignment.

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